Page name: Pokemon Lovers United! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-20 02:29:59
Last author: RabidSphinx
Owner: RabidSphinx
# of watchers: 34
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<img:> Pokemon Lovers United!

Hello everyone!!! If you are a pokemon fan, pick a Poke'pal and ask to be added to the list, post a badge in your house, and add to the fun!!

<img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:>

Pokemon~ My little guide to Pokemon!

(under construction)

Cheats~ Some fun cheats for you to try out in the Silver and Gold gamboy Pokemon Games.!

<img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:>



1) <img:>[RabidSphinx] woot! Charizard!
2) <img:>[Trevnor]
3) <img:>[d o n e]
4) <img:>[iCh3wi] GO DRAGONITE!!!!!!
5) <img:>[Kagomeyasha] yay pokemon rock my socks!
6)<img:>[PyroBuggy] YES! GOTA CATCH EM ALL!!!
8)<img:>[suicidal chick 04]
9)<img:>[Iron-wulf] Nidoking is the man! He kicks ass!
10)<img:>[Prowler Wolf] HAHA!!! Pokemon rule!!!
11)<img:>[Human Casualties] charmeleon rocks!
12)<img:>[*_*]she is so sexy look at [RabidSphinx] she is to i think she is soooo hot don't u?
13)<img:>[moo] i lurve me some jigglypuff ^_^

16)<img:>[HowseR] the ultimate bird of prey, crafted from solid steel
17)<img:>[StarDance] YAY! this is my sister [RabidSphinx]'s wiki!
19)<img:>[the phantom]
20)<img:>[Because you loved me]
24)<img:>[Love like Winter.]

36)(waiting for a poke'mon friend!)[dark kitty in big trouble]

39)(Waiting for a Poke'mon friend!)[Rebexie]
43)<img:>[Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric] i luv my gardevoir!
45)<img:>[Fallen Child Athena]
46) (waiting for a poke'mon friend!)[zero_reploid hero]
48 <img:>[beta dude]
49)<img:>[balletdancer] This is my rapidash, Alexandra!
52)<img:>[nothing to no one]
53)<img:>[Voodoo Child]
54)[Sabrina Catherine] [Banned for being rude to the owner for no apparent reason]
56)<img:>[Mushroom_Bwoi]- H to da hizhoe
58)<img:>[RedPhoenixVII] - Meta-pod!
59)<img:>[Prince Nightbourne]
61)<img:>[Death From Above]
63)<img:>[Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]
65)<img:>[Mikuru Asahina]
68)<img:>[I am the Carebear.™]
69)<img:>[д×ﻉ| PK]
70)<img:>[|x-_And this is where it ends-x-_]
74)<img:>[..Heartless♥ VK]
76)<img:>[Fetish Dolly Koneko™]
77)<img:>[burn your friends]
79)<img:>[Fox the Vixen]
80)<img:>[Hells Chaos]


<img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:>


Put one up in your house!!!

By [RabidSphinx]:
This took me FOREVER...I had to collage ALL those individual Pokemon together!

Woot! my skillz on Paint! i drew this, aren't you proud!!?

<img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:>

<img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:>

Drawn by [RabidSphinx] [(Click to enlarge)]

<img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:>

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2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: *shoots*...well, i have been rejected by art school, so my drawing is now pointless....and Seven has Morgan Freeman and Brad Pit...they are 2 detectives working on this horable case where this crazy man kills 7 people, for the seven deadly sins...Glutany, Sloth, Greed, Lust, Envey, Pride, and Wrath

2005-02-10 [Iron-wulf]: im watchin it too

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: on TNT? it's better un-cut...but still nice to watch regardless

2005-02-10 [PyroBuggy]: oh! ive heard a that... dosnt he kill the prostitute with a razor dildoh or somethin?

2005-02-10 [Iron-wulf]: yep theres killing all through it and theres a head in a box in the end its kool

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: yup...that he dose...she was guilty of the deadly sin of lust

2005-02-10 [iCh3wi]: awwww, *hugs Rainedrop* but your art is sooooooo good. Im sorry, heres a big hersheys kiss for you *hugs* <img:>

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: woot! that is going in my house! thanks...

2005-02-10 [iCh3wi]: your welcome. also congrats on your becoming a council member. I was just hired by the EP, Im now a Harbringer. I now run the column EP Independent- Quotes

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: awesome! congrats!!!

2005-02-10 [iCh3wi]: thnx, I hope my column is liked by everyone. This month concerns Black History and Doctor King.

2005-02-10 [iCh3wi]: but anyways, this wiki is GROWING!!!!YAYAYAYAY!!! lololololol

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: it is...woot!!!

2005-02-10 [Kagomeyasha]: I'm not suprixed alot of people do like pokemon after all ;)

2005-02-10 [Iron-wulf]: man i cant wait till the next game comes out im psyched

2005-02-10 [iCh3wi]: lol, yeah. some however say they hate pokemon, but in truth they really love them. everyone loves pocketmonsters.

2005-02-10 [Kagomeyasha]: heck yes they are!

2005-02-10 [Iron-wulf]: the new games on ds are gonna look cool as hell it will be awesome

2005-02-10 [iCh3wi]: well good night peoples, im logging off to go to runescape, see everyone in the morrow. nighty night! lol +^_^+

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: i am glad i decided to make this wiki, i was expecting more flame comments than

2005-02-10 [gungone]: Lol

2005-02-12 [PyroBuggy]: the people who are liveing in this filthy crap hole seem to like the pokes. there arnt as many annoying teenagers who cant seem to exept anything other than what they like here! 3 cheers for the Pack!

2005-02-12 [Kagomeyasha]: o_O

2005-02-12 [PyroBuggy]: i ramble and make no senece too much...

2005-02-12 [Kagomeyasha]: I see

2005-02-12 [Prowler Wolf]: ^..^ WOOF!!!

2005-02-13 [Kagomeyasha]: YES!?!

2005-02-13 [iCh3wi]: rambleing is fun though.

2005-02-14 [Kagomeyasha]: yes it is..

2005-02-14 [iCh3wi]: lol, HAPPY EARLY VALENTINES EVERYBODY!!!!^_^

2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: i hope my BF sends me something

2005-02-14 [iCh3wi]: i usually buy my girlfriends tons of candy and teddy bears. my last girlfriend loved pokemon, so it was easy to shop for her.

2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: i got my BF stuff, but i don't know if he will get me anything...i got him both birthday gifts, and x-mas gifts, and i never got anything for those from him

2005-02-14 [Kagomeyasha]: wowsers Raine you really go outta your way to get things for him^^

2005-02-14 [iCh3wi]: im sorry to hear that. who knows, maybe tomorrow hell surprise you??

2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: i send him all sorts of things, including 9 letters...but from him, i have gotten two letters in return, and a necklace that was his ex's...*sighs*

2005-02-14 [iCh3wi]: does he live near you?

2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: i live in NY, and he lives in we send everything through post...i have sent him packages and letters...he hasn't...he said he didn't have i mailed him a sheet of 24 far i have gotten one one page letter out of that

2005-02-14 [Prowler Wolf]: awww....

2005-02-14 [iCh3wi]: ooooo. . . . .

2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: but i sit by my frontdoor everyday and wait for a word from him's been almost 2 weeks but i'm sure he will write soon...i have sent him 3 letters in the mean time....and a v-day card, and i hope to send him his gifts soon...when i get some money

2005-02-14 [Kagomeyasha]: wow Raine that's alot of stuffs.

2005-02-14 [Prowler Wolf]: hehe...there's a typical guy for ya...

2005-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: he didn't call today like i had hoped...*sighs*

2005-02-15 [PyroBuggy]: aw :(

2005-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: well, i don't know what to do...he didn't call his valentine? am i not his valentine? *teardrop*

2005-02-15 [PyroBuggy]: tie him to the back of a car and drag him through a field of painfull stuff!

2005-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: if i ever got that close to him, i wouldn;t hurt him...i *really* want to meet him and be with him...*cries*

2005-02-15 [iCh3wi]: *ponders solution, but is lost for words* dont worry, I had a pretty shitty V-Day also. me and my so-called girlfriend broke up but were still friends. so i go and buy her a present, and guess what? she goes and buys a gift for someone freshmen shes sleeping with.

2005-02-15 [iCh3wi]: and totally screws me over.. . . . .

2005-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: wow...why would you have dated someone like that?

2005-02-15 [iCh3wi]: who knows, we were exactly a like and loved each other I guess you could say, but then she starts hanging out with this freshmen kid and the next thing i know she wants to break up because she wants to date him now. everyone is pretty mad at her right now at my school, including me of course.

2005-02-15 [iCh3wi]: my sisters say I should have never dated her in the first place. but i figured since we knew each other for so long, it would work out, but i guess i was wrong. . .. . . .

2005-02-15 [Iron-wulf]: hahahahaha

2005-02-15 [iCh3wi]: ???????????

2005-02-15 [dark kitty in big trouble]: can i be added onto the list now????

2005-02-15 [Kagomeyasha]: o_O I doNKT KNOW SAM...can you?>

2005-02-15 [iCh3wi]: lol, of course, just tell [RabidSphinx] your name and favorite pokemon.

2005-02-16 [dark kitty in big trouble]: i dont even know if shes here right now --''''

2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: hello...sorry to hear that [iCh3wi] but dating friends *never* works out...and she sounds like a whore so you are better, kitty, what is your favorite pokemon?


2005-02-16 [dark kitty in big trouble]: nine tails ^^...thanx a bunch Raine

2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: sure thing...(^_^)

2005-02-17 [iCh3wi]: Dragonite

2005-02-17 [Oreo_cookie]: jey can I join?my fave poke mon is bulbasaur

2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: sure...i will add you

2005-02-17 [Kagomeyasha]: w00tles my sam ish a member!

2005-02-17 [iCh3wi]: yey

2005-02-17 [dark kitty in big trouble]: w00t w00t ^^

2005-02-18 [Kagomeyasha]: yasershdpdmdr w00tles!

2005-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: i'm getting Married to [yutruyryu] here on EP! woot! all pokemon and their trainers are invited! hahaha!

2005-02-18 [gungone]: YAY!

2005-02-18 [Chainer]: yippee!

2005-02-18 [*_*]: hey al;l

2005-02-18 [Kagomeyasha]: YAY!

2005-02-18 [*_*]: lol ya what ??

2005-02-18 [dark kitty in big trouble]: hey i havent been added yet ;.;...oh well take your time....^^ hey can i come ^^

2005-02-18 [iCh3wi]: CONGRATS RAINE!!!!!!!!! I hope you two will be a very hap[py couple!!!!

2005-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: i thought i added you...meh...*slams face down on desk* and thakk you everyone!!

2005-02-18 [dark kitty in big trouble]: yesh congrats....and thanx ^^ not tryin to nag or nothin ^^

2005-02-19 [*_*]: hey all

2005-02-19 [iCh3wi]: hola!!!

2005-02-19 [RabidSphinx]: yay! we are nominated best wiki!!! woot!

2005-02-19 [dark kitty in big trouble]: w00t w00t ^^ did ya add me yet????? im sorry if im nagging --'''

2005-02-20 [iCh3wi]: yayayayayayayayayaayayay

2005-02-20 [dark kitty in big trouble]: ^^

2005-02-20 [Kagomeyasha]: o________________________O;; Riiiight!

2005-02-20 [*_*]: hey all

2005-02-21 [Kagomeyasha]: Hey

2005-02-21 [*_*]: hey myfioernd

2005-02-21 [dark kitty in big trouble]: hey there ^^

2005-02-21 [Kagomeyasha]: =x

2005-02-21 [dark kitty in big trouble]: awww i dont get a pokemon ;

2005-02-21 [RabidSphinx]: you didn't say what one you wanted

2005-02-21 [Kagomeyasha]: yeah you fricken loser! i love you -huggles-

2005-02-23 [dark kitty in big trouble]: yeah i did i said eve ^^ love ya too ^^

2005-02-23 [soul_collecter]: raindrop could you change my pokemon to absol?

2005-02-23 [Kagomeyasha]: o_O;

2005-02-23 [RabidSphinx]: yup...there you are! <img:>

2005-02-24 [dark kitty in big trouble]: awsome :D thats cool ^^whats about me though????? ;o;????

2005-02-24 [soul_collecter]: oooo how sexy,may i place her in my house?

2005-02-24 [RabidSphinx]: may...and [dark kitty in big trouble] you still have to give me a pokemon first

2005-02-24 [soul_collecter]: thankies so much rainedrop ^.^ we wuv yous

2005-02-24 [RabidSphinx]: aww...thank you...(^_^) and no prob

2005-02-25 [Kagomeyasha]: She said that the pokemon that she wanted was EVE

2005-02-26 [dark kitty in big trouble]: thats right ^^ thanks carolyn.....this place is soooo awsome though ^^

2005-02-26 [Kagomeyasha]: YUP@

2005-02-26 [dark kitty in big trouble]: all the way ^^ oh and i wanted it to be the water type evolved one ^^^

2005-02-27 [Kagomeyasha]: riiiight

2005-02-27 [dark kitty in big trouble]: yuppers ^^

2005-02-28 [Kagomeyasha]: Sam, the reason that Raine isnt doing it is cause she got kicked from EP for a week :(

2005-02-28 [soul_collecter]: why O.O? what happened?!?!

2005-02-28 [Kagomeyasha]: It said that she needed to "Cool Down" Cause sunrose is a bitch..

2005-03-01 [dark kitty in big trouble]: what a bitch >( we need to hurt her....

2005-03-01 [Kagomeyasha]: yes..alot..

2005-03-01 [dark kitty in big trouble]: yeah

2005-03-01 [Kagomeyasha]: .........................................

2005-03-01 [Serena]: Azurill....I love Pokemon, and I OWN all the games! Isn't Azurill CUTE?!

2005-03-01 [Kagomeyasha]: yup!!! Azurill ia adorable!

2005-03-01 [dark kitty in big trouble]: ^^

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: i'm back...yay...okay we all need to go vote for this wiki on the EP awards...

2005-03-04 [hello]: i dont think need to vote for the bouncers

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: nope...i vote pokemon bitch

2005-03-04 [hello]: o well...u have a long way to go...

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: yup...oh-well

2005-03-04 [hello]: u suck anyways...

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: *breaks down crying* please hello, not know...i don't need this right now

2005-03-04 [hello]: yeah, i know...

2005-03-04 [iCh3wi]: *Grabs Hello by the throat* I dont appreciate people bashing my friends, so if you have any problems with Raine, you've got a problem with me, now are you through?

2005-03-04 [hello]: touch me again and i will fucking kill you, you sorry son of a bitch. i havent said anything yet, so you better fucking watch yourself...good thing this is the internet or i would fuck you up so bad

2005-03-04 [PyroBuggy]: i voted for pokemon the moment they started

2005-03-04 [hello]: well good for you

2005-03-04 [PyroBuggy]: ok... time to calm down. quit talking big. im sure youd both shoot at the same time and youd both die XD. but enough fighting over a few bloody votes. and good luck killing eachother over the internet. unless you can hack your pretty much usless you cwazy testosterone twinkis

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: thank you all...and go away aren't even a member here, and i'm not in the mood for any of this...

2005-03-04 [iCh3wi]: Well I dont appreciate you coming in here and yelling at people for expressing their opinion and yelling at them when it's not what you wanted to hear. And as for beating the shit out of me, good luck. So quit with the threatening bull shit and just campaign for your wiki somewhere else. You know it really doesnt matter whose wiki is in first place. It's just a contest, and its not like this is the last awards. I think I have said enough. Congrats Pyro, Hopefully Pokemon Lovers and Talking People will do very good. (I Hope) =^-^=

2005-03-04 [hello]: hahahhaaaa....ok i will go away....whatever....

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: *cries*

2005-03-04 [Iron-wulf]: your wrong

2005-03-04 [iCh3wi]: *sighs* anyways. . . . .how has everyone been lately? I havent left a comment on this wiki for a while.

2005-03-04 [iCh3wi]: Wrong About what? *Hands Raine Kleenex*

2005-03-04 [hello]: hold on....i am a fucking member....

2005-03-04 [Iron-wulf]: about those wikis winning

2005-03-04 [iCh3wi]: what do you mean?

2005-03-04 [iCh3wi]: Raine, why were u kicked off the council? (I just found out)

2005-03-04 [PyroBuggy]: lets see how long your membership lasts if you dont



2005-03-04 [PyroBuggy]: anyway... onto other matters *question above*

2005-03-04 [PyroBuggy]: no thanks

2005-03-04 [iCh3wi]: i give up,. . . . . . good night everyone. . . .

2005-03-04 [PyroBuggy]: good night... if anyone really feels the need to carry on quit flooding this wiki with your crap. go duke it out at The Fight Club

2005-03-04 [Iron-wulf]: wow you sound like a huge nerd

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: shut the fuck up ALL OF YOU! godDAMN it i'm not in the mood for this! why i'm not on council anymore is no one's goddamn you all stop or i'm busting some skulls and deleting members!

2005-03-04 [hello]: he is

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: stop it hello...i mean it

2005-03-04 [hello]: delete me....what does it matter?

2005-03-04 [Iron-wulf]: man your pretty mad you need to chill out we have been your friends for a long time

2005-03-04 [PyroBuggy]: i think we are all pretty nerdy if we joind a pokemon fan club XD nerd power!

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: then act like my fucking friends and don't be assholes when i'm stressed and misserable!

2005-03-04 [Sunrose]: yay! nerds! :D

2005-03-04 [hello]: then dont get all mad when we were just trying to make you feel better

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: drop dead [hello] are not good at cheering people up

2005-03-04 [Iron-wulf]: thats pretty mean to say babe whos gonna hate homos with you if you alienate us

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: i hate homosexuality thankyou very much...and i don't need you guys if you are going to just make my night worse...

2005-03-04 [hello]: whatever...

2005-03-04 [Iron-wulf]: what how did i make your night worse i really dont get it?

2005-03-04 [Sunrose]: Okay! Now we have everyone's opinion on the matter, let's just move on!

2005-03-04 [Sunrose]: Pleeeaase? :)

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: i'm trying to fix my little life, so stop distracting me from my work tonight with this wiki's pointless messages of hate...just drop it

2005-03-04 [hello]: got it.....

2005-03-04 [Sunrose]: Whee no one took my Lickitung yet! ^^

2005-03-04 [Iron-wulf]: cool i hope you get to feeling better Raine

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: one yet...(^_^)

2005-03-04 [Sunrose]: I believe there was another Pokemon, but I don't remember :(

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: um...could you describe it?

2005-03-04 [PyroBuggy]: there are way too many *is confused by the numbers

2005-03-04 [Sunrose]: I forgot the entire Pokemon, but I am almost sure there were too *pouts*

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: hmmm...

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: Safe-Zone From Stupidity i made this wiki because i can't be part of Safe i made my OWN "safe-zone" free of stupid people...(^_^) join if you like...(^_^)

2005-03-04 [Sunrose]: *^_^*

2005-03-04 [dark kitty in big trouble]: --''''i still dont get a pokemon.....awww

2005-03-04 [RabidSphinx]: i love pokemon...what's not to get? they kick ass and that's all that you need to know... :P

2005-03-05 [dark kitty in big trouble]: yeah thats true ^^

2005-03-05 [*_*]: hey all

2005-03-05 [dark kitty in big trouble]: hey there

2005-03-06 [Chainer]: *walks in* yay! raines back

2005-03-07 [RabidSphinx]: that i am...

2005-03-07 [Kagomeyasha]: pokokalaka

2005-03-07 [Prowler Wolf]: wow....thats a hard word to pronounce

2005-03-07 [Kagomeyasha]: I know, it really makes you think huh? :p

2005-03-07 [dark kitty in big trouble]: uhhhhh.....wha???????

2005-03-07 [Kagomeyasha]: hehehehehe your brushing my hair! ^.^

2005-03-07 [iCh3wi]: Yay, I just finished my new wiki: Shakespeare Lovers

2005-03-07 [RabidSphinx]: i wish members of this wiki would actually *vote* FOR this wiki...i notic alot of them voting for ^real vampires^ and that is a shitty wiki

2005-03-07 [iCh3wi]: Honestly, I would vote for this wiki, but since I created talking people, I sort of was obligated to vote for it. . . .. . .. .

2005-03-07 [iCh3wi]: Come to think of it, I got a message a while back telling me to vote for ^real vampires^ because I am a member. The thing is though, IM NOT A MEMBER AND I HAVE NEVER CONSIDERED MYSELF TO EVEN BE A VAMPIRE!! So something weird is going on. . . . . . .

2005-03-07 [dark kitty in big trouble]: wow....hey i like gonna go and join ^^

2005-03-08 [Kagomeyasha]: o,O

2005-03-08 [dark kitty in big trouble]: heh ^^

2005-03-09 [Kagomeyasha]: yeeeeah

2005-03-09 [dark kitty in big trouble]: nice...

2005-03-10 [iCh3wi]: new wiki peoples, The Llama Pack of Elfpack please go and sign up. Do you llama??

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